Middle Years

Years 5 to 8 are the bridge between the Junior and Senior years of schooling and are often referred to as the Middle Years.

This period of schooling is an important one where students experience significant physical, social and emotional growth while also being an important time for learning essential knowledge, ideas and skills. During this time, the groundwork is laid for success in the senior years. The understanding of essential concepts and skills is deepened in the Middle Years.


In the Middle Years, we strive to support students in learning that goes beyond the surface to deep and constructed understanding. We seek to promote Middle Years learning that exhibits the qualities of fluency, retention, application and problem-solving. In addition, the learning process aims to build thinking that involves gathering knowledge, building understanding, producing, reflecting, managing and evaluating.


We aim to stimulate Middle Years students through learning content and skills, which link to the students’ understanding of themselves, environment and their place as active and ethical citizens:

  • Our aim is to ensure a consistent approach to teaching and learning that is evidence-based and follows the school’s stated teaching and learning framework and associated policies and procedures
  • There should be strong alignment at each year level with the school’sÌý stated goals and guidelines regarding curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and reporting
  • Over time there should be a seamless transition through the school during a student’s learning journey from the Middle Years to the Senior School
Years 5 & 6

In Years 5 and 6, the core teacher provides instruction in English, Humanities and Personal Development. For the remainder of their studies: Mathematics, Science, Music, Indonesian Language, Art and Health/Physical Education students have specialist teachers and, where appropriate, move to specialist areas.

Year 7

Year 7 students experience a comprehensive curriculum of the following subjects:Ìý English, Mathematics, Indonesian, Humanities, Science, Health & Physical Education, Music, Art, and Sport. Information and Communication Technologies are integrated across the curriculum. The classroom Music Programme is an instrumental performance-based programme for all students.

Year 8

In Year 8 students undertake a combination of core and elective curriculum. Core studies include English, Mathematics, Indonesian, Humanities, Science, Health & Physical Education and Sport. The following studies are offered as electives; Music, Art, Healthy Lifestyles and Information and Communication Technologies.