Wellbeing Structures

The Pastoral Care Programme at Goulburn Valley Grammar School focuses on developing mutual respect and confidence among all members of the school community.

It encompasses everything that we do as a school to meet the personal, social and academic needs of students.

The pastoral care system, utilizing tutorials mostly of about 12 students and a tutor, continues to provide close monitoring and effective support of our students’ welfare. This system is based on the contributions of Tutors, Year Level Co-coordinators, Director of Students and Senior Staff and complements our strong emphasis on creating an environment where each student feels connected to their peers, the school and their community.

The Building Blocks Programme which operates at Years 5-7 provides an introduction to the values of the school and is a starting point in developing the cultural expectations of Goulburn Valley Grammar School.

In Years 8-9, emphasis is placed on enhancing the Building Blocks Programme from earlier years as well as further developing skills of resilience, effective relationships, organization and leadership.

In Years 10-12, Year Level Coordinators offer specific programmes to enhance and meet the needs of students as they develop academically, socially and emotionally. This is delivered through the tutorial system and is supported with guest speakers where appropriate.

All tutorial programmes provided through the pastoral care system have a strong focus on the school’s values of: Caring, Respecting, Learning, Accepting Responsibility and Seeking Excellence.